Our Clubs are COVID-19 Safe

Our Clubs are COVID-19 Safe
All our clubs have implemented a COVID-19 Safe plan
All ANAA clubs in NSW are able to redeem the NSW Government Active Kids Vouchers.
The Australian National Archery Association Inc
is the only association which has the legal right to use
Field Archery Australia Inc and
Adaptive Archery Australia Inc.
The Australian National Archery Association is inclusive of all bow types, ages, abilities and disabilities. We are a leader in coaching and provide our archers with multiple archery experiences from indoor, field, target and 3D.
Our clubs are truly autonomous and we provide support to all our archers and clubs at all levels.
The ANAA Field Round consists of 20 targets from 10 to 60 metres. The distances are marked and three arrows are shot at each target.
The Safari competition can be on a marked or unmarked range. The distances are between 10 and 43 metres. Two arrows are shot at each target and both arrows score.
The ANAA Indoor Competition is a Vegas style set up with 30 arrows shot for ten ends.
Seniors shoot from 18 metres and archers under 13 years shoot from 9 metres.
The 3D Game can be marked or unmarked and distances for the unmarked game are from 10 metres to 43 metres and the marked game is from 10 metres to 50 metres.. Two arrows may be shot but the first scoring arrow is counted.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Field Archery Australia is registered to ANAA . It is the Field Archery Competition side of the association.
Adaptive Archery Australia is leading the way in helping archers of all abilities enjoy our sport at all levels.
ANAA is a modern and progressive association and uses the IFAA Coaching Program.
We have four levels of coaching accreditation, and all clubs have accredited coaches.
Avon Valley Field Archers is Situated in the beautiful Gloucester Shire of NSW on State Forest land. The club has five dedicated Field and 3D ranges and a large Target range.
The club has world class facilities and camping.
Please contact the secretary on 0418166783 or email avfainc@gmail.com
The club has web page and is also on Facebook
The Nambucca Valley Archers Club has now reopened.
Please contact the Club president on 0498174901
or email on thecoach09@hotmali.com
Sapphire City Archers is situated in beautiful Inverell NSW. The club has an indoor range at the Inverell Showground and shoots there weekly on Tuesday and Friday nights..
Please contact the secretary via email
This club has a Facebook page
VAST is a multi-adaptive sports group serving the Veteran community of currently-serving and former-serving Australian Defence Force personnel (full-time & reserve) with or without operational experience, and their carers, family & war-widows/widowers. veteranadaptivesport@gmail.com
This club has a Facebook page.
Peter Fairhall has been involved in archery since 1992 and has served as an executive at club, Branch, State and National level.
Peter is also an internationally and nationally accredited archery coach.
Peter is an active and competitive archer.
Jordi Undery has many years of archery experience.
He is highly regarded within the association on and off the range. He is our highest scoring archer.
Holly has been involved in archery since the age of 14. She has been part of a top level archery academy development program for the last 5 years.
Holly is an accredited club coach. and has served as an executive at club level.
Lynne Fairhall has been shooting bows since 1992. She has served as an executive at club, Branch, State, National and International level.
Lynne is also an internationally and Nationally accredited coach. Lynne has been at the forefront of developing coaching programs both nationally and internationally.
These archers, David Freeman and Tewdwr Hoffman, have a wealth of experience and assist in the decision making of the association.
Ben Lemon has been an active archer for several years. He has a vast back ground in IT and is an invaluable asset to the executive.
$20 per year is all it will cost you to join ANAA and be a fully insured member. Clubs pay an annual affiliation fee.
Australian National Archery Association Po Box 372 Maitland, NSW 2320 AU
Australian National Archery Association
Australian National Archery Association Po Box 372 Maitland, NSW 2320 AU
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